Picture of North Park 神学院 Cupola in 芝加哥


This is the introductory course in 精神上的 formation at NPTS. 参加者将被鼓励反思他们的形成历史,庆祝他们独特的精神之旅. 除了课堂上的互动,我们还会有形成小组,在那里我们会从别人的故事中倾听上帝. 当每个学生看到一位精神导师时,将介绍精神指导的实践.

这个研讨会风格的课程将寻求通过祈祷的镜头来解决学生的社区经历和与自己以外的文化的接触. 主祷文作为一种常见的、符合圣经的基督教祈祷文,将在我们共同探索其跨越社区分歧的能力时,为对话提供框架, 文化, 和历史.

这门精神形成课程将以非裔美国人的精神和宗教为手段,通过深入研究和沉浸在非裔美国人的各种精神实践中,我们寻求体验转变. 课堂内外的精神实践是必需的,对芝加哥黑人的各种宗教和文化机构的实地考察也是必需的.

在认识圣灵的工作的基础上,过一种分辨的生活,会使你做出正确的决定. 在一个人的生命中,对神的活动的认识不断增长,改变了耶稣的个人跟随者的愿望. Personal wholeness, character, and integrity flow from this process. Discernment is a gift and also a skill to be learned and developed.

学生将学习和练习特定的日记技巧,这将帮助他们在写作或其他日记技巧中遇到上帝的存在和他们自己的内在自我. They will learn safe and helpful ways to share writing and responding to writing online. They will develop a deepened sense of self including faith story, 情感, 精神上的, 肉体自我.

本课程的目的是从个人信仰的角度探讨灵性与健康之间的相互关系. The multiple dimensions of Christian well being will be considered, 注重个人,兼顾精神和家庭健康, 教会和社区.

独处和好客的属灵操练,将我们的注意力转向神和按神形象所造的人. 对朋友的爱, 陌生人, and enemies will be addressed through readings, 讨论, 和讲座. 一天的孤独撤退和服务在接待部提供进一步反思的经验.

Food is intensely individual, relational, and communal. Food connects us to God, one another, and all of creation. How we approach what and how we eat is a 精神上的 act, not only a physical one. 在这门课程中,我们将一起探索精神与食物的交集,以及如何生长的行为, 购买, 使, and eating food can connect us to God and others.

这个精神形成主题课程的目的是发展自我意识,人们如何居住他们的渴望. 本研究的重点将是辨别身体如何体验和表达对个人健康的渴望, 亲密的关系, 性的完整性, 职业满意度, in ways that embody the expression, "The body is for the Lord and the Lord is for the body" (1 Cor. 6:13).

This course will focus on various special topics in 精神上的 formation.

芝加哥北部的五所神学院组成了芝加哥北部神学院,并联合提供这门课程. Taught ecumenically in scope and intensively in retreat setting, 它旨在为学生和教授提供机会,通过学习和应用经验来探索各种基督教精神传统的根源和发展.

An opportunity for students to explore a topic of interest outside the regular curriculum. Instructor's permission required. Submission of course proposal/syllabus to the academic dean is required.

As the first of five courses in a program leading to a certificate in 精神上的 direction, this course will provide foundational information, 经历, 以及参与者作为潜在精神导师的发展和辨别过程. Beginning with a day-long retreat, the course will focus on listening to God, 自我, 另一个, 这个词, 这个世界. Each participant will receive some individual 精神上的 direction, engage in a peer listening group, and begin a process of self-discernment.

实习课程I是为那些希望继续辨别他们的呼召和天赋进入灵性指导事工的项目参与者而设计的,就像课程1中开始的那样. 工作将在参与者的家乡地区完成,并得到芝加哥中心课程协调员的支持. 除了与精神导师进行十次会面和在线日志的核心要求之外, 参与者可以灵活地学习个人对基督教灵性感兴趣的主题. 课程从神学院秋季学期的第一天开始,到春季学期的最后一天结束.

The middle year will focus on skill development as a 精神上的 director. 在教室里, program participants will give and receive direction from each other, developing skills through practice and evaluation by supervisors. Participants will be introduced to the practice of the Verbatim, which will be a requirement during Practicum II. The course will begin with a required retreat day.

实习二旨在通过接受精神指导来发展精神指导的经验和智慧, giving 精神上的 direction to others, receiving supervision for 精神上的 directing, reading and dialoging with supportive literature, and studying specific relevant issues in 精神上的 direction.

最后的课程将着重于通过进一步发展属灵指导事工的敏感性和能力,为教会和世界的事工发展属灵指导的观点. We will consider special issues in 精神上的 direction such as group 精神上的 direction, 文化考量, class and gender considerations, 管理部门, 领导静修. 参加者将提供精神指引,并在同侪小组中与辅导员会面,以获得监督和鼓励. 虔诚的, contemplative and reflective activities, 包括一天的静修, are an intrinsic part of the intensive.

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